Bamboo, if harvested correctly is a renewable resource and
sustainable building material. Properly treated bamboo provides strong,
flexible and durable building material able to last over 100 years and is a
suitable replacement for scarce timber resources. There are around 1,250 bamboo
species recognized in the world, 140 of which are found in Indonesia. Although
many of these bamboos are exellent for use in construction, furniture and
handicrafts, bamboo is still perceived as a poor-man's timber, largely due to
its susceptible to insect attack from termites to powder-post beetles. Sahabat
Bambu, collaborating with bamboo ecologists, treatment specialits, bamboo
artisan, construction experts, and bamboo farmers in order to change this
perception through several activities and projects such as bamboo treatment
training, bamboo construction training,
bamboo clump management, as well as by improving bamboo design and produces
superior bamboo products.
Why Bamboo? Here are
some facts about bamboo…
Renewable Resource. Bamboo is a high-yield, it can be
harvested in 3-5 years versus 20-50
years for most timber. Its culms
biomass production was estimated about 20 to
30 tons/ha annually.
Plentiful. There are more then 1.500 species around the world
and more than 100 species found in Indonesian archipelago. Stronger than steel. Certain species of bamboo has a tensile
strength of 28,000 per square inch vs. 23,000 for steel.
Promotes livelihoods for local farmers. Bamboo grows in
rural areas and mostly owned by poor farmer. By utilizing bamboo in a
sustainable way we can helps increase their income.
Safe Housing. More than a billion people in the world live
in bamboo houses. In most cases, bamboo buildings have proven to be earthquake
proof. Exotic, beautiful. Bamboo is an exotic and naturally
beautiful material, can be utilized to so many useful products.
Bambu yang dipanen dengan benar dan diawetkan merupakan bahan yang kuat, fleksibel, dan murah, yang dapat dijadikan bahan alternatif pengganti kayu yang kian langka dan mahal.
Mengapa menggunakan bambu? Berikut adalah beberapa fakta
menarik tentang bambu…Sumberdaya terbarukan. Bambu dapat dipanen dalam waktu hanya
3-5 tahun dibandingkan dengan 20-50 tahun pada kebanyakan jenis kayu keras.
Produksi biomasa bamboo diperkirakan sekitar 20-30 ton per hektar pet tahun.
Berlimpah. Ada lebih dari 1.500 spesies di seluruh dunia, di
Indonesia juga ditemukan lebih dari 100 jenis bambu yang hampir seluruhnya
dapat dimanfaatkan.
Lebih kuat dari baja. Jenis-jenis bamboo tertentu memiliki
kekuatan tensil hingga 28.000 per inci, dibandingkan dengan baja yang memiliki
tensil 23.000.
Meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Bambu tumbuh di kawasan
pedesaan dan kebanyakan dimiliki oleh petani miskin. Memanfaatkan bambu secara
lestari dapat membantu menambah penghasilan petani.
Rumah yang aman. Lebih dari satu miliar orang tinggal di
rumah bambu. Dalam berbagai kejadian, rumah bambu terbuki tahan terhadap gempa
bumi. Eksotis, indah. Bambu secara alami adalah bahan yang indah
dan eksotis, dapat diaplikasikan menjadi berbagai macam produk yang bermanfaat.
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